1、学院董事会 Board of Directors
2、院长 President
3、院长助理 Assistant President
4、院办公室 Executive office
l 信息化管理 informationalization management
l 文件档案管理 document management
l 对外联系与接待 external relations and reception
l 宣传、监察 publicity and supervision
l 劳动、人事 human resources
l 外事 foreign affairs
5、教育教学部 Educational department
l 日常教学管理 teaching management
l 学籍管理 management of student status
l 教学研究与课程开发 teaching research and course development
l 学生工作指导服务 guide service for students
l 专兼职教师管理 faculty management
l 实验实训管理 management of experiment and field training
l 教学设备与图书馆管理 management of teaching instruments and library
6、市场开发部 Marketing research and development department
l 招生与就业服务 recruitment and employment service
l 国际合作 international cooperation
l 校际、校企合作 intercollegiate and college-enterprise cooperation
l 专业课程开发 specialty course development
l 就业市场开发 employment market development
l 生源市场开发 recruitment market development
l 证书培训与鉴定 certificate training and appraisal
7、继续教育部 Continual Educational department
l 高等学历文凭教育 higher education for degree and diploma
l 非学历教育与培训 non-diploma education and training
8、后勤服务公司 Logistics Service Co.
l 维修服务 maintenance
l 师生公寓管理 apartment management
l 车辆管理 vehicle management
l 安全保卫 security
l 绿化卫生医疗 virescence, health care and medical service
l 餐饮服务 dining service
l 行政生活设备管理 management of administrative facilities
9、资财管理部 Accounting and property management department
l 日常财务管理 accounting administration
l 固定资产管理 management of fixed assets
l 内部收费项目管理 management of internal-charged items
l 预算控制与核算 budget controlling and accounting
l 资产运作 asset operation
l 税务 tax administration
l 董事会财务总监 financial director of the directorate